head> Happiness Fills My Heart
** There's always a way out
I woke up, got my hair up to a bun and all of a sudden, it hit me. I realized that I've been working my ass off for this semester. It makes me wonder what have I been doing for the past two semesters. *guilt feeling flowing in* Hopefully I'll get the result I want. *fingers crossed!*

Anyway, was talking to le roomie over lunch yesterday about is winning in an arguement really important? Well, to me, it doesn't really matter, especially to those really stupid arguments. You know, those mine-is-prettier arguments. When I see people argue over small matter, it really looks pathetic. I mean come on. You've got to have something better or more meaningful to do rather than arguing over minor matters. What's the point of winning the argument anyway? It only shows people how pathetic you look and how egoistic you are. Oh! Another thing. Egoistic. Boy, hate that so much.  Obviously, it links with the winning thingy. Egoistic kills, people! Wake up and stop being so damn egoistic can or not! Really fade up with ego people. Try putting away the ego side of you and start listening can or not?? You're not always right, for God's sake. The worst is being ego and wanting to win, that particular person doesn't confess to his/her wrongs. Wtf. That is the WORST-EST WORST! Whenever I encounter with such people, that's it. I will be like, I'm outta here, people. Do whatever you want cz IDGAF.

*calms self down*

I've always dreamed to study abroad. Whether it's Taiwan or UK or The States. The other day, was talking to Nicole about getting my master degree. I wanted to do it abroad but I've always have the thought that it's never going to happen since the syllabus I'm studying now is almost unrecognizable in the places I want to be. All of a sudden, Nicole told me that it is not impossible! Tho, I'll have to retake the 3rd or 4th year of their bachelor of degree programme. Sigh. Actually, I don't regret coming to Kuching but I do regret why didn't I stayed firm on my decision 3 years ago. Yeah, I'll get a job right after I graduated but what's the point if I'm not working in what I most passionate about? Thank God, I found out that we can actually get a master degree right after I graduated from this. This totally eases my mind a bit. Looking at the bright side, if I wasn't in Kuching, I won't be able to have the chance to get to know my friends here, to have Nicole as my piano educator, to be able to have mini concerts and last but not least, to gain the experience here that I know most of my friends back in my hometown wouldn't have the chance to gain.

It's not that easy to be away from your hometown and I guess everyone knows that. Especially when you're in somewhere where there's zero relatives and zero friends. It's almost like life starts over from scratch again. I guess this is what people call the transition of life. This semester itself has already surprised me with a number of experiences whether it's private or not. I too, like anyone else have my ups and downs. Although I don't enjoy the downs as much as I do on the ups, I'm really looking forward to what life brings to me next.

Till then,
Joyce :)

Quote for the day: If you don't see, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014.
Pieces Of Me
A girl who's, most probably, a hopeless romantic. *blushes*
loves music, watersports especially sailing and scuba-diving.
super into fashion
chunky rings and earrings make me really happy! :)
colourful clothes are fun and vibrant!
Ooohs And Aaaahs!

