head> Happiness Fills My Heart
** 505

I'm sure after last night, over half of the citizens have caught a glimpse of their future in pitch black darkness.

I myself am not a very political person but in this election, i actually feel very sad that someone could use such dirty tactics to win. I am disappointed that behind the beautiful and peaceful Malaysia of ours, it is dirty and dark. Isn't democracy supposed to be a fair thing? Why has it become like this? I don't understand.

Although it is saddening, disappointing, disapproving and disgusting, this is not stopping me from voting in the year 2018. You've missed my vote this election but you will definitely not miss mine in the next election.

I will still be having faith if there's a change. I still love my country and I am still full of hope for a change.

To the new (old) government, please do a better job. You never know how powerful our rakyats have become. and in 5 years time, a lot can change.

Good luck, my beautiful country.

Quote for the day: Cheating does not win hearts.

Sunday, May 5, 2013.
Pieces Of Me
A girl who's, most probably, a hopeless romantic. *blushes*
loves music, watersports especially sailing and scuba-diving.
super into fashion
chunky rings and earrings make me really happy! :)
colourful clothes are fun and vibrant!
Ooohs And Aaaahs!

