head> Happiness Fills My Heart
** apple in my eye.
People used to say that college/university life is hectic but fun. This is also my excuse for neglecting this blog for a month. *goat smile*

Anyway, seriously, a lot have happened in this month. I completed seven assignments. I went on road trips. I presented several oral presentations and the epic one? I bought the Samsung Galaxy Note and got it stolen in less than a month. Yes. It got stolen. Two weeks ago. Just a remembrance for y'all, do not DO NOT put your phone in a no-zip compartment and always check if your phone is with you. Believe me, it wasn't the best feeling in the world. I was so disappointed and felt so bad that I lost it in less than a month. It was like throwing money into the sea. Sigh. Anyway, I bless the thief.



*Although it is stolen and not dead dead, it is still dead for me. If I sound stupid to you, deal with it and get loss.*

Went to Boulevard the other day with my coursemates and dang. That place, seriously, has some treasures! I was all out of hope in searching something non-boring / interesting to play with and that's before my friend literally dragged me to a department and showed me costumes! Halloween costumes! Of course, we turned into seven years old and fooled around with those costumes. It was seriously epic. Fun moments. :)

Quote for the day: Have fun while you can.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012.
Pieces Of Me
A girl who's, most probably, a hopeless romantic. *blushes*
loves music, watersports especially sailing and scuba-diving.
super into fashion
chunky rings and earrings make me really happy! :)
colourful clothes are fun and vibrant!
Ooohs And Aaaahs!

